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Sivaprasath R
09-23-2013 05:42 AM

Core loss for armature lamination DIN 10106 & DIN 1623

Hello All, Can any one advice what is the armature Lamination core loss (watt loss per KG) for the material the cold rolled non oriented electric steel fully processed state as per DIN 10106 and Cold Rolled close Annealed as per standard DIN 1623 used in an armature of PMDC motor
Or Is there ways to calculate the core loss with the material composition directly.
09-23-2013 07:47 AM
Top #2
Steve Sprague
09-23-2013 07:47 AM

DIN 10106 is one of the many governing standards for silicon electrical steel, with numerous grades of electrical steel contained within the body of the standard. The grading nomenclature will read something like: M270-35A; the grading callout tells you the maximum total core loss at 50 Hz, 1.5 T (in this case 2.70 w/kg), the thickness (in this case .35 mm) and the A tells you that it is fully-processed, meaning annealed with or without an insulative coating. Do you know the grade of steel you're investigating? If you do, the grade callout will give you a good indication of its properties.

DIN 1623 is a structural steel sheet standard and is not commonly seen as a standard for electrical lamination materials.

I hope this helps.

09-23-2013 10:06 AM
Top #3
LC Neo
09-23-2013 10:06 AM
Good job, Steve.
One more thing to add is for fully-processed Electrical/Silicon Steel, there's Grain-oriented & Non-grain oriented types. Non-grain oriented is sometimes called Isotropic type too; which is suitable for rotating machines that needs multidirectional magnetisation.
You may obtain the material characteristics/properties from a particular supplier's particular steel type. It will provide you with the losses (W/kg) in longitudinal or traverse direction; which varies with J(T) at a particular temperature, frequency, etc.
One example of EN 10106:2007 is D22 Fully processed high permeability and high thermal conductivity grades from ArcelorMittal. There are low, medium & high grades.

I must say that for rotating machines, it's rather tricky too that as the rotation speed changes, frequency changes, etc, the losses varies too. The limit of the electrical steel properties plays a part too. It's a dynamic situation rather than just static and one need to consider the "worst" case to design a good motor. And one last word -- don't forget the PM & electrical excitation factors.

And yes, Steve is right, DIN 1623 is different steel.

Hope this helps.
09-23-2013 12:46 PM
Top #4
Sivaprasath R
09-23-2013 12:46 PM
thank you
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